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Article presents the results of analysis of risk factors associated with early stent thrombosis after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) ir patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The study is designed as an observational cohort study prospectively including 140 patients with a PCI treated AMI admitted to our hospital. Patients were divided into two groups: with and without type 2 diabetes rnellitus (DM). A number of early stent thrombosis risk factors including a complete or not complete revascularization and myocardial blush grade during PCI, based on the predictive model were analyzed. The results of the study show that DM in patients with AMI who underwent PCI was not associated with a high risk of early stent thrombosis, however, incomplete revascularization was.



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Background: There are no randomized trials describing outcomes of multivessel percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) (in primary anc staged revascularization) with second generation drug eluting stents (DES) in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). We are presenting preliminary results of randomized trial (NCT01781715)

Materials and methods: Six-month outcomes of 89 consecutive patients with STEMI and multivessel coronary artery disease (CAD) (SYNTAX 18.6±7.9 points) undergoing primary PCI with zotarolimus-eluting stents (Resolute Integrity; Medtronic) were studied. We used two strategies of multivessel stenting: in primary PCI (MS primary) and multivessel stenting in staged revascularisation (MS staged) (8.5±4.2 days).

Results: We evaluated results in the overall cohort of patients, including two study groups (MS primary and MS staged). During follow-up of 6 months there was no cardiac death in overall group. We observed 3 (3.4%) non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI) due to definite stent thromboses (ST) (1.3% on the number of stents). Target vessel revascularization (TVR) was performed in 2 cases (2.2%). Major adverse cardiac event (MACE) (cardiac death, MI, TVR) was diagnosed in 4.5%.

Conclusions: Resolute Integrity stents in STEMI patients with multivessel CAD are satisfactory safely and effectively as part of the strategy of multivessel stenting in primary PCI and multivessel staged PCI (8.5±4.2 days).



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